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In Reception we have 3 classes! Our 3 classes are Ruby, Crimson and Scarlet. All classes throughout school are named after colours in the rainbow and Reception's colour is red!

Mrs McWilliam 


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Chen & Mrs Kafait

Mrs Coulson


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Huskic

Miss Slinn


Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ratour (Monday and Tuesday) and Miss Cairns (Wednesday-Friday)

Class Routines

Crimson Class- 8.40am-3.10pm

Ruby Class- 8.50am-3.20pm

Scarlet Class- 8.50am-3.20pm

Gates open 10 minutes prior to each class's start time. 

PE is on a Thursday for all classes and children will need to come to school in their PE kit. 

Snack time is at 9.45am each day. If you would like your child to have milk, please sign them up via the Cool Milk website- this is free until your child turns 5 years old. A piece of fruit is also available to all children during snack time and every child should bring a water bottle for them to access when needed. 

Throughout the week children work hard to earn Dojo points and at the end of the week we have our 'star of the week' assembly where certificates are given out. 

Curriculum Enrichment

Each half term we have a learning question which often links to the children's interests. In order to engage, motivate and inspire the children to become involved in the topic, we take part in many 'real life' experiences that support the children's knowledge and understanding of the topic. These experiences may be trips, visitors or other adventurous experiences undertaken within the school grounds. 


Crimson Class- 8.40am-3.10pm

Ruby Class- 8.50am-3.20pm

Scarlet Class- 8.50am-3.20pm

Please come through the Brackenwood gate and collect your child from their classroom door. If your child finishes at 3.20pm, please don't enter the playground until this time to help with the safe dismissal of all classes. 

If a different adult to normal is collecting your child then please inform your child's class teacher or the school office before the end of the day- this is to support safeguarding. 


Each half term we share a parent information sheet with suggested activities linked to our learning question, on this there are suggested activities that will support your child to develop their knowledge and understanding further. 

In Reception, children are encouraged to read every day. This could be a couple of pages from their school reading book, however other reading materials such as library books, magazines, recipe books and labels all support a child's reading ability. 

Your child will be heard read in school at least once a week and will receive a new reading book then. We ask that reading books are kept in your child's reading book throughout the week so that staff are able to hear them read when needed. 

Phonics and Maths homework will be set every Friday and will be put in your child's book bag. We ask that homework is returned the following Friday. 

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